A Warm + New Hello

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Hello everyone - I've finally done it! I took a break - a much needed break - and now I'm back and very happy to be here. A little later than anticipated but better late than never, am I right? Time has become a lot more flexible lately with some days feeling strangely stretched and others seemingly contracting into pinholes, but we do what we can and the days continue. The look and feel of SUNMOON has changed - and that's because I've changed, my focus has changed, and it felt advantageous and honest to extend that sensation to this little business slash home for my soul. I hope you enjoy the shift, but even if you don't that's okay, I can't expect everyone to. And you shouldn't either if you happen to feel a sudden calling to change a little something here and there. Just do the thing and love the process, even the awkward parts - like announcing a September 1st relaunch and kind of eeking one out mid-month. No biggie. But anyhow, I am very excited and honored to be here, to share this space with you all, even if the space is digital. Maybe someday we can gather in person, I've definitely been letting some daydreams about it run wild lately, but even if it remains here in the digisphere I will be grateful. I certainly don't want to take that for granted.

I wanted to name that there will be some new items added to the shop in the coming months, a few even in the coming weeks, but firstly I wanted to celebrate the addition of a brand new oil. Not just any oil but a rich solar charged St Johns Wort oil, which, if you know anything about this plant you'll understand the fuss. It is an absolute cornucopia of healing. If you don't know much about it, keep your eye on the newsletter - which you can sign up for below if you haven't already - as well as the blog. There's more to come around these parts very soon. I'm calling this oil Red Sun, which has a bittersweetness at the moment as I'm speaking to you from Oregon where the sun in the sky has been an agitated blister painted red for the second day in a row thanks to a plethora of forest fires. It's incredible that we've managed to create a whole new season - one that never should have been here. My partner and I went and rented the Ken Burns Dust Bowl documentary last night from our local movie rental just to really sink our teeth into the sins of our species. I'm not sure what I can do to change any of it, but I can certainly do my best to live slowly in an increasingly rapid world. It's as though the speed of everything is beginning to cause such friction that the fires can't help but catch. This happens in every sense - from the physical to the emotional to the spiritual. Some fires are good, healthy, necessary - others are destructive and damaging and very hard to contain. Sorry, I'm ranting aren't I. In short - I'd love to invite you to live slowly along side other folks doing the same. I'll admit, it could mean leaving some things behind. But do you really need all that stuff anyway?

Thanks for being here. And since I have your attention, what do you think of this talking out loud business? I chose to speak this post out rather than just write it because we all have different capacities of intake. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you care? Leave me a comment if you have any thoughts to share. Any at all. Take care, and be well.

Care to order a bottle of Red Sun? Click here.

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